How to Increase Your Facebook Organic Reach

How to Increase Your Facebook Organic Reach

Now that you have a better understanding of how Facebook surfaces content, we will explore tips on how to increase your Facebook organic reach so you can ensure your Facebook Fans still see the majority of your posts.

Increase Your Facebook Organic Reach

Be Selective About What You Post

Being selecting about what you post is one way to help increase your Facebook organic reach. Marketing your business on Facebook requires you to switch gears from untargeted, frequent published to targeted, selecting publishing. The objective is no longer to spray and pray, but rather get as much interaction from a single Facebook post as possible.

Each post you you make on your company Facebook page publishes can target a specific audience, without sponsoring. Therefore, this may improve overall interaction with that post among others who are likely to find it more interesting and relevant.

Post Quality Content, But Less Often

We’re living in a time of content overload, and Facebook is no exception. As a Facebook company Page manager, you are fighting for one of the limited spots available on News Feeds. You don’t need to post a high volume every day to get attention. Rather, you need to work smarter by creating quality content. More posts won’t necessarily bring more likes to your Facebook Page.

There is no rule for how many times you should post on Facebook each day. However, two to three posts per day is an ideal number for businesses on Facebook. Determine the right number of posts for your business, in addition to mixing and matching the following:

  • links
  • images
  • videos
  • text updates

Re-Allocate Your Time and Effort Toward Your Owned Assets

The only constant with Facebook (and the larger digital media landscape) is change, so it always safest to focus on the digital channels you entirely own and control — your website and blog.

If you spend the vast majority of your effort creating quality content (blog posts and long-form content such as eBooks, case studies or videos), this will continue to garner inbound traffic, leads and customers long after they are first created. If you have time and budget, share those assets to Facebook for additional organic reach.

Educate Your Super Fans About Notification Settings

You can educate your super Fans who really desire the content you post so that it appears at the top of their News Feed.

Do this by going to your company Facebook Page. Click “Following” on the top, and then scroll down to Notifications and click “On“.

Post at Off-Peak Hours

During times when fewer individuals are sharing content on Facebook, your chances of getting noticed are significantly higher. Generally, the best time to post on Facebook is around 3:00 PM. However, you can try posting at different times, depending on when your Fans are online.

Visit your Facebook Insights to check out when your Fans are active in the network. Then you can select the hours when the majority of your Fans are online and your competitors are not posting.

Go Beyond Basic Advertising

The targeting capabilities of Facebook are considerably better now. As a company, you can now pay to reach your ideal persona based on demographics, interests, web behavior and more. In addition, there are a variety of tools and features that can assist you in maximizing the effectiveness of your campaigns, including:

These are just a few tips on how to increase your Facebook organic reach for maximum marketing results. Contact us here at Centennial Arts with the link below or to get started on your digital marketing strategy today!

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